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Monday, January 7, 2013

To Fear Is To SIn, Under Christ's Covenent

I had fallen away from church because of what I viewed as rampant hypocrisy, which after coming back recently I have gained a new perspective.  I feel very few even understand Christ's covenant with us, that being love your fellow man.  I found this to be so in part people do not understand what love is.  The essence of love is giving, without any expectation of anything in return, unconditional.

We know that the new covenant is to love one another, Galatians 5:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 

We also know from 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Fear actually is two sins. First it is based on judging, because to fear you have judged them dangerous.  Perhaps more fundamentally.this is a direct violation  of Christ''s Covenant with us.  If you fear a person, you are not loving your fellow man, because to love them you would not have fear of them.

To Fear Another Is To Sin 
because it is not loving
Under Grace.

So by extension,
To Cause Fear In Someone About Another Is A Sin.
As you are not showing love for that someone, but actually pushing them away from salvation.


  1. Interesting; I am inspired by your dedication to the gospel and to living without fear. It is said of Jesus in the gospel of Mark (before His crucifixion): “He began to fear and to be heavy. And He said to them: My soul is sorrowful even unto death.” –Mk. 14: 33-34. What would you make of this?

  2. It is not about being fearless. It is abut loving. I read the text you pointed to. Honestly I wonder if he was in fear for his betrayer. Because Christ loved him and knew what was to occur. That is the essence of love, selfless. Also there is a physiological fear response all humans have. This could be about that. But I am weak in the gospel. I just hope my weakness causes no harm. Thank you for the feedback. I genuinely welcome all comments, suggestions, and corrections.

  3. In case my response was not clear, let me rewrite it a little. I think he was sad about his coming betrayal, because he was disappointed, as well as he was in fear for them. He possibly wondered what he could have done to cause their actions. There is alot of sorrow from having those you think you know turn their back on you as well.

    The human autonomic fear response could be what is referred to, which proves he was human.
