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Friday, January 4, 2013

It Is Time

My View of this country has dramatically changed over the last few months. I would have done anything to support what is good for the US. However over the last few months I have come to learn our principles are window dressing. We are not brave, fearless, heroic, admirable,.. We are none of those things. We are fearful, cowards, who bully the weak, and are so afraid we hide in shadows.  I am now embarrassed by the actions of my country. We are the Axis of Evil, and we are such hypocrites that we look down on others and call them terrorists after we kill people in their countries. I am not saying anyone is innocent. But leaders need to lead not stir the pot. We have allowed secret organizations to run amuck without oversight, misuse taxpayer resources, and generally destroy our economy. 

But the most hideous thing is that it appears that I am being targeted by some faction of the DoD,  in conjunction with the Masons and the appearance of many other groups, because I know the time and place that we did such a wicked and ego driven that it appeared to be an intentional martyrdom aimed at inciting terror.  This was followed by bulldozing the targets family home. An  act that turned the peace that President Clinton and Prime Minister Rabin around to an escalation of the fear-hate-terror cycle that have us where we are today.  Perhaps we were Eddie Haskell-ed by our partner in crime, but that does not matter.  What does matter are the threats, death threats, and threats to loved ones, that I have been receiving.  The threat to loved ones was from ex Senator DeMint.  Good ridden sir, our country is far better off with you out of our government.  It is time to clean house.

To whomever is leading this.  I will never back down.  God put me here for a reason and has my back.  He has proven that many times.  I fear nothing especially you.  But I am beyond angry and am about to engage the lot of you.  This is my country and that of patriots that support the constitution.  I hereby declare war on the secret societies and their cowardly ways.  Straighten up or get out of my country.

To the people of the court system that so blatantly violated every constitutional protection granted.  I will give you one chance to correct things.  I do not want to rattle my ex, but I demand an arrangement that follows the law and that this case be made an example of.  Not for admonishment of those involved, but to serve as a learning exercise and provide some impetus for change. 

To our government leaders, get over your fear and do your job, lead.  God says to tend your flock.  Those who indulge while the working class suffer will be dealt with harshly by God himself.  Trickle down is a cover for feed the plutocracy of the secret society.  No More!  The Bible says each man shall do his own work.

As for terrorism we must make a bold gesture.  We must stand with Israel and declare an end to killing anyone in any country unprovoked.  Outside true self defense there is never an excuse for  killing another human. 

The media must be reigned in.  Our founding fathers could not have known the hypnotic effects of the TV., and how media biases destabilize the system.  Hence our $1.4 trillion in response to 3000 deaths.  You do the math.

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