Media Bias Creates Unstable Government
I feel God has given me some very specific insight into things that are occurring in our . If you consider the electing of leaders by the voters, the operation of government through their leadership, and the reporting of the output of the government both at home and overseas via the media as the input into the feedback that is the "human" voter. In a system model memory is modeled as an integrator. It makes no difference how we model the rest of the system. A bias of any kind fed into an integrator will drift toward the bias until it blows up. Unless there are other bleed off mechanisms that detect and compensate the accumulation of accumulated bias.
This is exactly what has occurred in the US. The media has been allowed to run programming based on ratings. Our response to 9/11 is a prime example. In response to just under 3000 deaths we responded by initiating the war on terror. It goes far beyond this but just consider what the Pentagon acknowledges we spent on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, $1.4 trillion. That equates to $467 million per death on 9/11. In Iraq alone we have killed an estimated 120,000. Some estimates are far higher. But this equates to a revenge on a country that had no part in our countries attack at 40 deaths for every death on 9/11. Iraqi death statistics show they are less violent, more moral, and 9x more likely to die of malnutrition than us.
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