I am writing you today with what I feel we must do as a country if we do not want to be destroyed, by our own actions. Yes gun violence is an issue, as is terrorism, and divorce. But these are not the root issues. But are actually symptoms of fundamental flaws in the culture of this country. We The People are individualists. We The People strongly support our Rights, but we fail to consider others Rights. This is a we do not seem to be aware that with Rights come Responsibilities. Our Rights Stop when they infringe on others Rights.
On Gun Violence, their are two highly polarized positions. The basic attitude of both sides seems to be never give an inch. But both sides are so self absorbed they do not see that this is about the safety of our children. As with the divorce process in this country we pretend to put the child first. A licensing for gun ownership and operation is justified by the fact that the death rates for a car and a gun are very similar, roughly 30k deaths per year in 2010, for both. But the reality is we are more focused on our losses than the children. I would love to hear anyone defend the sporting need of an assault rifle, over the safety of our children.
According to Christ’s covenant we only need to love our fellow man. God defines love in that he said he so “loved” the world that he “gave” his only son. So love is to freely give without the expectation of return. By this it is clear that we do not love our children as we cannot give an inch on a law that would protect them. Is your weekend target practice with an AK-47, really more important than your kids safety? On the other side is controlling a sportsman's desire to have his hobby and protect his family really more important than getting a well needed protection in place for our children.
So clearly we are tenaciously passionate about this topic.
The question is why? The answer is Fear. Fear is an autonomic response that releases hormones into our bodies in preparation for fight or flight in response to a threat. Fear issues permeate the human condition. Fear generally creates a reaction that overshoots in the name of safety. An overreaction to an opponent who is also in Fear will generate a further ramp up in the level of reaction. As you can see this escalation is potentially unstable.
In fact it can be mathematically proven that any system with a human in the loop will be unstable in the presence of a biased input. This can be shown through divorce, our government-media-voter system, etc. A perfect example to demonstrate this and the power of fear is our response to 9/11. We The People allowed our leaders to start a war spending trillions and killing 100s of thousands if not millions. All in response to just under 3000 deaths on 9/11/2001. We have been brought to the brink of disaster by our reaction to fear.
Why do we have so much fear, The Media!
Our media does not tell us the whole story. That is because they are allowed to optimize coverage based on ratings, as well as the military keeping the media out. So the question is why do we allow for secrecy in military operations. Then there is the other side of the coin, the media wants to maximize profits, all this creates a huge bias. For example when President Obama did not use the terror terms in the Rose Garden press conference the media was up in arms. Why? The terror terms were instantly branded in the media coverage of 9/11/2001.
The media has a shortcut programmed into each of our core sub conscience. Why is this allowed? Why?
Wake Up America.
Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Ephesians 5:14
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