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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Negiotating Gun Control

Well negotiation is as much finesse and art as technical facts.  In order to understand this consider the following story about a redneck who feels his rights were violated.

Funny thing, spell check fails to offer a fix for aint, bt it declares it wrong.  So what is the dumber action using a word that aint a word per some dictionaries.  Or is it worse that the spell check company is ignoring many thousands of people do not use it every day. Google find's 224 million pages that use "ain't".  First used in 1618, but not admitted to merriam webster until 1989.   The technology types make up words all the time, spyware, ringtone, supersize, unibrow.  Google finds 1.21 million pages containing "unibrow". Unibrow was first used in 1933, and accepted into the dictionary in 2006.  This is redneck discrimination, plain as the warts on granma's feet, as words we make up are slow to get in, but words about us are given a much easier path..  We need a constitutional amendment  declaring we have the right to self deprecate as much as we are disrespected by others.  Lest we should have to succeed from the union, so that we can shoot at each other with our guns.

This short story captures several key points that all Americans get caught up in:
  1. A strong sense of right, even the most mundane item results in a  huge battle, going back to the fundamental rights of the person or group.
  2. No sense of personal responsibility, as he had done nothing prior to 1989 to try and achieve his goal.
  3. A win at all costs attitude, a kind of tunnel vision akin to a pitbull latched onto its target.
  4. An inability to accept a loss, preferring to not participate if they cannot get their way.
 I see the Pro-Gun, Anti-Gun sides much like this.  I feel that both sides fear the other.  But we are all Americans.  We claim to be one country under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.  But it ain't true.  We have many factions based on politics, economics, religion, gender, secret society, special interest (such as guns, Israel support, abortion)

Fundamentally we are not a nation under God but a nation under idolatry, ran by a plutocracy, with liberties for the elite.  Not just idolatry, but cowardly idolatry, that which operates in secrecy.  I am referring to the Freemasons first, but they are not alone the women's network is equally out of control.  As with many other groups.  God has shown me clearly the operation of these things.  In the Capitol building in DC the mural in the dome has George Washington above Christ.  We deny Christ but it is our leaders who not only lie to us but steal from us as well.  If you look at the history of our wars and the president at the time there appears to be a correlation between membership in secret society of the president and war.  George Bush's war mongering was the most obvious likely due to his lack of patience, as he could not wait for a legitimate need to invade Iraq.  Was he really naive enough to think that he would not get caught.

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