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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Negiotating Gun Control

Well negotiation is as much finesse and art as technical facts.  In order to understand this consider the following story about a redneck who feels his rights were violated.

Funny thing, spell check fails to offer a fix for aint, bt it declares it wrong.  So what is the dumber action using a word that aint a word per some dictionaries.  Or is it worse that the spell check company is ignoring many thousands of people do not use it every day. Google find's 224 million pages that use "ain't".  First used in 1618, but not admitted to merriam webster until 1989.   The technology types make up words all the time, spyware, ringtone, supersize, unibrow.  Google finds 1.21 million pages containing "unibrow". Unibrow was first used in 1933, and accepted into the dictionary in 2006.  This is redneck discrimination, plain as the warts on granma's feet, as words we make up are slow to get in, but words about us are given a much easier path..  We need a constitutional amendment  declaring we have the right to self deprecate as much as we are disrespected by others.  Lest we should have to succeed from the union, so that we can shoot at each other with our guns.

This short story captures several key points that all Americans get caught up in:
  1. A strong sense of right, even the most mundane item results in a  huge battle, going back to the fundamental rights of the person or group.
  2. No sense of personal responsibility, as he had done nothing prior to 1989 to try and achieve his goal.
  3. A win at all costs attitude, a kind of tunnel vision akin to a pitbull latched onto its target.
  4. An inability to accept a loss, preferring to not participate if they cannot get their way.
 I see the Pro-Gun, Anti-Gun sides much like this.  I feel that both sides fear the other.  But we are all Americans.  We claim to be one country under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.  But it ain't true.  We have many factions based on politics, economics, religion, gender, secret society, special interest (such as guns, Israel support, abortion)

Fundamentally we are not a nation under God but a nation under idolatry, ran by a plutocracy, with liberties for the elite.  Not just idolatry, but cowardly idolatry, that which operates in secrecy.  I am referring to the Freemasons first, but they are not alone the women's network is equally out of control.  As with many other groups.  God has shown me clearly the operation of these things.  In the Capitol building in DC the mural in the dome has George Washington above Christ.  We deny Christ but it is our leaders who not only lie to us but steal from us as well.  If you look at the history of our wars and the president at the time there appears to be a correlation between membership in secret society of the president and war.  George Bush's war mongering was the most obvious likely due to his lack of patience, as he could not wait for a legitimate need to invade Iraq.  Was he really naive enough to think that he would not get caught.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Epifany On Values

I copied this from another website because it is profound.
Matthew 22 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
Now what does that mean?  When asked that, everyone barfs up the Sunday School answer and never really thinks about it.  The Churches only teach the first two ideas:  Love God.  Love your neighbor.  That isn't what Jesus said, however.  Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as yourself."  There are two teachings there. The one everyone teaches while ignoring the second.  Can you figure it out?  In order to love your neighbor, you must first love yourself.  I've never heard of a Church that teaches you to love yourself - and you must.  It is extremely important to exercise loving kindness towards yourself.  How can you do that if you think that your body is a sin?  

In the Bible nakedness is mentioned throughout.  It is never called a sin, but it is suggested that Adam feel shame of his nakedness following the deceit by Eve.  There are many observances of that but in fact nakedness is openly accepted by God as is evidenced by the following examples.
1 Samuel 19:24
He stripped off his garments, and he too prophesied in Samuel’s presence. He lay naked all that day and all that night. This is why people say, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”
2 Samuel 6:20
When David returned home to bless his household, Michal daughter of Saul came out to meet him and said, “How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today, going around half-naked in full view of the slave girls of his servants as any vulgar fellow would!”
So the source of many issues in our society is the unnatural restrictions we allow society to place on our values, using religious values as support.  Indecent exposure has no grounding and this overly prudish way of being does not allow freedom of expression to exist.  When you confine a needed outlet it causes that energy to be released another way and that may not be healthy long term. 

We need to reexamine our outlook in many areas.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unstable By Design, World Class By Actions

Here we will briefly discuss that  any control sysyem involving humans will be unstable if There is a key principle that is understood my many in the engineering field of control systems.  That is that a feedback control system that has memory in its feedback path will be unstable if the feedback or the input is biased.

If we consider a few examples, it will be clear without the need to demonstrate it mathematically.  Consider:
  1. A marriage, where the actions of each and the perceptions of each can differ due to lack of communication.  So imagine Tom and Jane do not communicate well.  Over time they do not see what the other does for them, but they have perfect knowledge of their contributions.  Regardless of who actually does more both have a biased view of reality.   They both feel they give and the other takes.  Over time this bias adds up and they both begin to feel resentful.  If not addressed this eventually grows out of control and leads to divorce.  Clearly here the bias is caused by a lack of thorough communication.  If they had spent more time sharing they would have been more aware of the others actions and any bias would have been reduced.
  2. The government-media-voter system where the voter is the feedback through its votes and communication with its representatives.  In this example the media observes everything our government does and reports on it to us.  This puts them in a position of great power and should dictate elevated ethics and morality requirements.  But by showing us as victims more than as aggressors, over time we feel like victims.  Their intention is likely only to optimize ratings.  But by heavily biasing their coverage toward victims we have become jaded an allow atrocities like that perpetrated by Bush, going into Iraq under false pretenses.  Killing 120,00 Iraqis and spending trillions in response to 9/11.  Saddam Hussein was against terrorism and did not allow them to set up camps in his country.  Additionally there was never any credible evidence to support the case for weapons of mass destruction.  Yet we are so jaded by the media we do not see it. But our system has gone unstable.  We must act quickly and decisively if we hope to save our country
  3. We will not go into any further examples but any two groups of people who's group affiliation establishes opposing positions can lead to biased viewpoints.  If these people need to agree on something and their bias is strong as it is on gun control.  This becomes an unnecessarily painful process.  
So the key issues are diffusing the fear in the one you are trying to negotiate with.   The best way to do that is to openly lay all your needs and desires on the table with an open and accepting  ear for criticism.  Expect to be challenged.  But do not react, listen and take notes.  And request they give you a list of their needs, desires, and concerns.  Then after everybody understands each other go to lunch with each other with the intention of learning everything you can about the others.  Upon returning from lunch try to ease into the topic of negotiation.  Start by putting together a list of both sides priorities, perhaps you put their items at the top of the initial list or some gesture to show you are genuinely trying  to work with them.  Keep a positive appearance even if they go negative on you.  Lead by example.

We Need To Decide Who We Are And Live It

In my lifetime I have seen the standards of what is shown on TV drop dramatically, and the standards of our behavior drop dramatically, seemingly in response.

Primetime Profanity Increases 69% In 5 Years

Violence in TV and its impacts on children.

Nonmarital Sex found to be a staple on primetime TV.

We are not taking care of our children.  Wake Up America.
Men are not taking care of their wives and daughters.
Why?  Wake Up America.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Anyone who cannot state what they do, are agents fir evil.

There should be no government job that is hidden from scrutiny. 

The New Covrenant Obsoletes The First One

Hebrews 8:7 For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. But God found fault with the people ...

Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.

Hebrews 10:
15 The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says:
16 "This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord.  I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.
17 Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts  I will remember no more.

18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what; the ancients were commended for.

Hebrews 11:12 And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore. 
Hebrews 13:20 Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, 21 equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Our covenant of love and peace, not war, terror, fear, hate, and anger. 
I believe many have lost track of this,

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

All 50 Shades of Gray Are Inpure and Not of God

God seeks purity.  The love that God seeks is defined by the John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God also tells us that love is pure, and contains no fear. In John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

Fear is the root of many other sins, for example a factor that drives people to judge.  I believe that the desire to judge results when one feels the need to improve due to a feeling of inferiority in their own situation.  They build themselves by creating structures/boundaries/rules/paradigms that support their position and condemn others.  Then judge the target by this rule as it adds more weight their side of the scale.  This provides the illusion of an improvement by downgrading others.  This technique is fundamentally selfish and does not demonstrate love.  It does provide quick results for making the person feel better about themselves.  Given our limited understanding this urge all to often goes into this reactive mode rather than proactive long term solutions.

There may be other causes of judging but I feel this accounts for much of it. Regardless I feel that the majority of sins can be viewed as fear based.  So by Love we push out fear and therefore all sin.  Any amount of other sin is a sign of lack of complete.

But we know we are not perfect and can never achieve this.  But by trying and recognizing our shortcomings we are saved by the Grace of God through Christ.


Monday, January 21, 2013

At What Point Do You Need To Call Corruption

My Divorce Case was a disaster.  There was system wide corruption.

My attorneys,
Marshall Horman
Karen Robbins
Donna K Rismiller

My daughters therapist,
Rebecca L Snyder

My daughters court appointed best interest attorney,
Elizabeth Conklyn

The Judge
Mary Ann Stepler

The therapist that the BIA Elizabeth Conklyn suggested I see.
Timothy Gibian

My Ex-wifes attorneys, will be left out as there job is to help her.

But under what circumstances is it appropriate for a child's attorney to suppress evidence of the child's abuse by her mother.  This court system definitely has something other than the child's best interest at heart.  I had evidence in my ex-wife's own words that contradicted every core finding of the Judges Opinion.  I put in a motion to have missing evidence heard and they circled the wagons and protected my attorney, accused me of being delusional, and have barred me from seeing my daughter since Nov 25th, 2011.

I am now done waiting for people to do the right thing.  I am now going to out the hypocrisy of the network, I call the hive.  Their actions are ridiculous, in my mind.

They have until Thursday Jan 24th COB to initiate corrective action with a formal plan for improving the system for others.  Otherwise I request God to bring a 72 hour illness on them and they be given a sig it was on my behalf by the mighty power of God and Christ. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How Men Treat Women

I feel understand men and women as well as any man I have ever conversed with, thanks to the insight God has granted me.  I have been flooded with insight into so many things I cannot write it down fast enough to keep up.   For example I can often see the psychological scars of women from abusive relationships and traumatic events.  I truly feel a bond or empathetic connection with almost  all women in a way I cannot easily express.  This may sound contrived but, I sometimes feel their pain.  But I have never been a consistent pleaser of women.  I sincerely apologize if anyone was ever hurt by my actions.  I never intended any harm.  I believe God put me here to help show us how to treat each other,  or more correctly how not to.  Sometimes you have to experience something to understand it.  My lack of understanding,  drive, and lack of feedback have lead me to some unproductive paths.  But I assure you it was always without any intent of malice.  But God through Christ has shown me many things about human interaction, and I feel strongly that I have these experiences for a reason.  I am sure I am to provide help in some way.

Sexual desire is a basic autonomic response.  A man cannot always control his thoughts related to this when confronted with modern women's style of dress, makeup, perfume, etc.  I believe this why, God warns women of Zion, in Jeremiah against such adornments, and ways of flaunting their power.  This is their power and it is that they are God's art.  They are  beautiful inside and out, and men have a natural desire that is primal.  It is actually unfair.  But it NEVER justifies abusive treatment of women.  The middle eastern way of covering the women was never meant to be oppressive but merely protective. I am not recommending such a thing.  I am just pointing out what I feel is the truth.

I feel assault destroys something inside a lady that never repairs.  It should be treated as seriously as murder.   A murdered person does not continue to suffer.  Where as I have heard that rape victims sometimes wish they were dead.   I believe God intended for a man's relationship with his wife to be like his relationship with us.  But we have dropped the ball so badly that the women have been forced to devellop their own protection system, and it by nature is biased.

Through my ordeal I realized that being alone in in a crowd is not the loneliest feeling in the world. But having all eyes on you and nobody believing you is, after you have been through the most traumatic experience of your life.  Having heard recent stories of how in the past that courts ran by men discounted a female to the point of dismissing her.  On this I was oblivious but now I see it clearly.  Trust me it is far more scary than anything a soldier ever faced under fire.  The term sleeping with the enemy can be easily understood if the entire male set discounts your fears.  The ones there to protect, perpetrate life destroying crimes and the other men have their back.  I once discounted the war on women.  Now I see it.

We need to enact some laws that thwart rape.  Syria castrates and kills rapists.  If there was ever an occasion for the death penalty, rape is it.  I am not suggesting that but merely stating a thought. And provide a safety net in case of divorce.  Perhaps divorce insurance.  Men and Women do not need equal rights, they need protection and appropriate rights.  That is not intended to diminish them but merely acknowledge our differences.

I have a theory that God's insight has provided me.  I need to research it a bit more.  I will give you an update when God allows me more insight.  But I feel I see part of my new life calling.  This along with our biggest issues in life:  Communication and Giving.   This is slightly indirect as I feel our biggest issues are Misunderstanding, Fear, Anger, Hate, and Bias.  But both of these components: Communication and Giving, are core to how we are supposed to love.  Communicating who we are and what we expect and Giving without expectation of return (Love, God's Love, Agape Love).  But love drives out fear, anger, and hate; Communication drives out misunderstanding and bias.

So just by Communicating properly and Giving without expectation of return we solve countless problems.  It is God's perfect plan. We simply have to live it, and we will be ... words fail me.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Parable of the mustard seed

This is what I believe.  Jesus predicted everything with his parables.  The mustard seed that grew into a tree.  Represents the infrastructure of the church but it has over grown its useful size (the analogy of a plant becoming a tree).  I happen to feel that the tree represents the secret societies as well.  So the parable has multiple applications.

In my alternate view the secret societies have become pervasive.  They constitute a hidden plutocracy.  But the rank and file are fooled. They feel it is a bottom up structure.  The plutocracy and the true evil intent are masked by the secrecy. As only the top tier knows the truth.  But the blackbirds resting in the tree in the parable represent the top of the hierarchy.

The blackbirds have infiltrated the government usurping control of certain things, the church with false teachings, basically not paying attention to the only thing Christ had said we must do, love our fellow man.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Source of All Our Problems, Secret Society and Careeer Politicians

Bias is a given in negotiating.  But fear is not because you feel you are negotiating from a position of weakness.  This is not the case. Research has proven that the win-win approach achieves the optimal results.  We lose track of what really is important our friends and family. I feel most who are pro gun wish to protect their family. But they are so afraid of losing their rights they overcompensate. Same the other direction as well. But the reality is there are 88 guns per 100 people in this country. But not one of those parents who likely had a guns was at that school to protect their children. So how can we stop such things? A good set of people to get input from would be gun owners among the victim families. They see both sides clearly.

Fear again.   How do we minimize fear.  I believe it comes down  to love your fellow man.  God's love is defined by giving without expectation of return.  If we at least understand our opposition we then would likely not fear them.

The right to bear arms is there for a reason.  It is only threatened by the long term system shift to our hidden plutocracy, i.e. the secret societies.

The true solution is do away with the infrastructure.  The hidden plutocracy, and the career politician.
That is the source of our fear, the source of other things as well.  No good comes of secrecy or longevity in government.

Fear And Its Affect On Gun Control

I am writing you today with what I feel we must do as a country if we do not want to be destroyed, by our own actions.  Yes gun violence is an issue, as is terrorism, and divorce.  But these are not the root issues. But are actually symptoms of fundamental flaws in the culture of this country.  We The People are individualists.  We The People strongly support our Rights, but we fail to consider others Rights.  This is a we do not seem to be aware that with Rights come Responsibilities.  Our Rights Stop when they infringe on others Rights. 

On Gun Violence, their are two highly polarized positions.  The basic attitude of both sides seems to be never give an inch.  But both sides are so self absorbed they do not see that this is about the safety of our children.  As with the divorce process in this country we pretend to put the child first.  A licensing for gun ownership and operation is justified by the fact that the death rates for a car and a gun are very similar, roughly 30k deaths per year in 2010, for both.  But the reality is we are more focused on our losses than the children.  I would love to hear anyone defend the sporting need of an assault rifle, over the safety of our children.

According to Christ’s covenant we only need to love our fellow man.  God defines love in that he said he so “loved” the world that he “gave” his only son.  So love is to freely give without the expectation of return.  By this it is clear that we do not love our children as we cannot give an inch on a law that would protect them.  Is your weekend target practice with an AK-47, really more important than your kids safety?  On the other side is controlling a sportsman's desire to have his hobby and protect his family really more important than getting a well needed  protection in place for our children.
So clearly we are tenaciously passionate about this topic.

The question is why?  The answer is Fear.  Fear is an autonomic response that releases hormones into our bodies in preparation for fight or flight  in response to a threat.  Fear issues permeate the human condition.  Fear generally creates a reaction that overshoots in the name of safety.  An overreaction to an opponent who is also in Fear will generate a further ramp up in the level of reaction.  As you can see this escalation is potentially unstable. 

In fact it can be mathematically proven that any system with a human in the loop will be unstable in the presence of a biased input.  This can be shown through divorce, our government-media-voter system, etc.  A perfect example to demonstrate this and the power of fear is our response to 9/11.  We The People allowed our leaders to start a war spending trillions and killing 100s of thousands if not millions.  All in response to just under 3000 deaths on 9/11/2001. We have been brought to the brink of disaster by our reaction to fear.

Why do we have so much fear,  The Media!
Our media does not tell us the whole story.  That is because they are allowed to optimize coverage based on ratings, as well as the military keeping the media out.  So the question is why do we allow for secrecy in military operations.  Then there is the other side of the coin, the media wants to maximize profits, all this creates a huge bias.  For example when President Obama did not use the terror terms in the Rose Garden press conference the media was up in arms.  Why?  The terror terms were instantly branded in the media coverage of 9/11/2001.
The media has a shortcut programmed into each of our core sub conscience.  Why is this allowed?  Why?
Wake Up America.
Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."  Ephesians 5:14

Who will God Find In The Wrong

Who will God Find In The Wrong.

  1. The man who made mistakes but was unaware of the seriousness or consequences of his seeking human connection, but has been so isolated by the sheer numbers of those who observe judge
  2. Those who judge but do not offer any guidance.  Last week I went to the local church. I recognized three people, all three were among the group that follows, but do not love. 

Jeremiah 11

The Covenant Is Broken

11 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: “Listen to the terms of this covenant and tell them to the people of Judah and to those who live in Jerusalem. Tell them that this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Cursed is the one who does not obey the terms of this covenant— the terms I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, out of the iron-smelting furnace.’ I said, ‘Obey me and do everything I command you, and you will be my people, and I will be your God. Then I will fulfill the oath I swore to your ancestors, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey’—the land you possess today.”
I answered, “Amen, Lord.”
The Lord said to me, “Proclaim all these words in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: ‘Listen to the terms of this covenant and follow them. From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again, saying, “Obey me.” But they did not listen or pay attention; instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. So I brought on them all the curses of the covenant I had commanded them to follow but that they did not keep.’”
Then the Lord said to me, “There is a conspiracy among the people of Judah and those who live in Jerusalem. 10 They have returned to the sins of their ancestors, who refused to listen to my words. They have followed other gods to serve them. Both Israel and Judah have broken the covenant I made with their ancestors. 11 Therefore this is what the Lord says: ‘I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them. 12 The towns of Judah and the people of Jerusalem will go and cry out to the gods to whom they burn incense, but they will not help them at all when disaster strikes. 13 You, Judah, have as many gods as you have towns; and the altars you have set up to burn incense to that shameful god Baal are as many as the streets of Jerusalem.’
14 “Do not pray for this people or offer any plea or petition for them, because I will not listen when they call to me in the time of their distress.
15 “What is my beloved doing in my temple
    as she, with many others, works out her evil schemes?
    Can consecrated meat avert your punishment?
When you engage in your wickedness,
    then you rejoice.[a]
16 The Lord called you a thriving olive tree
    with fruit beautiful in form.
But with the roar of a mighty storm
    he will set it on fire,
    and its branches will be broken.
17 The Lord Almighty, who planted you, has decreed disaster for you, because the people of both Israel and Judah have done evil and aroused my anger by burning incense to Baal.

Plot Against Jeremiah

18 Because the Lord revealed their plot to me, I knew it, for at that time he showed me what they were doing. 19 I had been like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; I did not realize that they had plotted against me, saying,
“Let us destroy the tree and its fruit;
    let us cut him off from the land of the living,
    that his name be remembered no more.”
20 But you, Lord Almighty, who judge righteously
    and test the heart and mind,
let me see your vengeance on them,
    for to you I have committed my cause.
21 Therefore this is what the Lord says about the people of Anathoth who are threatening to kill you, saying, “Do not prophesy in the name of the Lord or you will die by our hands”— 22 therefore this is what the Lord Almighty says: “I will punish them. Their young men will die by the sword, their sons and daughters by famine. 23 Not even a remnant will be left to them, because I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth in the year of their punishment.”

How Fear Affects US Mental Health Care

The issue that I see is that Psychology is used to incarcerate people who have not committed a crime worthy of incarceration.  The fields of Politics, Religion, and Medicine among others, should not be involved in in policing activity.  I have personal experience in this.  I was trying to join a church and was gently and politely denied by a Church in Frederick.  So leaving there I was drawn to a specific Church in Middletown.  I was walking and began to get panicked calls from my ex-wife, asking where I was going.  On this journey there was an amazing spiritual energy at play.  You could see people change as they were engaged.

I stopped to speak to two police officers and they took me to  the local hospital. I was put into the lockup section of the ER.  I was there for 3 or 4 days then transferred to to the behavioral unit for 10 days, that is the legal limit prior to having a judge hear the4 case.  So basically they can lock you up for two weeks with nothing.   Being locked up for no just reason is an unthinkable scenario.  I decided to try and run to the courthouse.  I was in a gown, so at one point the doors opened and I bolted.  About half a dozen nurses came after me.  The look in their eyes was determination.  Parkinson's got the best of me, I fell twice and they tore my gown from me.  was taken naked and forced onto a gurney.  I was taken back inside and given a shot of something.

But when I ran the alarm was triggered (code red - means an escape).  I was there for another 12 or 13 days.  I noticed that the code red happened at least once a day.  Why does a hospital have people seeking to escape multiple times per day?  The Behavioral Unit also was completely locked away from the world.  Nobody could call without knowing a PIN.

First of all this type of arrangement having doctors or nurses being able to incarcerate without a legal proceeding is wrong.  Second it creates an adversarial relationship with what should be a caregiver.  This creates trust issues, and it should be obvious how this hurts the effectiveness of their entire operation.  Third they can force you to take medication.  If you refuse they bring in several security guards and hold the person down and give them a shot.

There was a Haitian man who came  in the day I did.  He was given forced shots every night.   He just wanted to go home.  It was horrifying.  We had a group meeting where the nurses defended their actions, but given I did not know the medical situation, it was difficult to do more than complain.

I feel that the state of this is a direct response to the fear generated from 9/11.  Our fear allowed us to accept every agency in the government to have a secret police force, as part of the JTTF.  This mentality has like the yeast in leavened bread from the parable has spread all the way to the doctors and nurses.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God's Refinement of Man's Spirit

I often wondered why the Old Testament was so much harsher than the New Testament.  It dawned on me that when Paul spoke to different people he was audience aware.  Could God be doing the same thing taking us through phases.  People were existing in very hard and rough conditions.  Violence was apart of life.  God understood that was necessary, as violent people need strong leadership.

It is almost like a distilling process.  He takes the faithful and filters out the rest.  Noah is an example of this.  He took his best into Egypt, and brought them back across the sea, performing a grand miracle.   Those who did not have the right attitude all but two were rejected.  He applies tests filters out a set, and grows them.  I wonder if it could be thought of as Biblical Darwinism, but under direction of God.  So God using the natural laws that he created to further his wishes for improving us.

It seems harsh, but what he is filtering out is evil, fear, anything but love.  I feel he is trying to get to a people with a spirit of pure love, Agape love, that of giving without concern for yourself.  Because if you take care of others and they are of the same spirit you need not worry about yourself.  It is Heaven, a state of true belonging, never worrying, complete acceptance.  When I look at human behavior through the lens of what could be I feel sad.  Why can we not just see the possibility and try to achieve it.  I don't think we even understand.  It is clear to me that God is justified in his frustration with us and our idolatry, sins of the flesh, greed, etc.

So what is missing in us that we do not try?  Could it be faith.  The ability to take something on faith.  Or is it the fact that we do not seem to understand Love. I feel that Belief, Love and Trust are the two components of Faith.  When you Love someone, give without expectation of return, it generates joy in your heart, a feeling of goodwill, peace, and harmony with that person.  When you couple that with reciprocity and consistency you develop trust over time.  Faith is the extension of trust.  You trust a person will do as they say.  You have faith that even though they did not say anything they will do the right thing.  So it presumes a knowledge of you and that the person will look out for your interests without being asked.

So Faith is the knowledge that the person Loves you: Communicates openly and completely, is Committed to you, Gives freely (not selfish). This process must be mutual and starts slow.  As the person sees growth in the relationship they begin to develop trust, overtime if both sides remain committed, communicative, and continue giving without ever considering a return.

So Love is the umbrella term for a set of connections and inter dependencies that enable an unbreakable bond.  And a community of people with this bond would be an unstoppable force.  A world of people would be Heavan.

This distilling process is also used in the semiconductor industry.  In semiconductors a silicon substrate is grown, and cut into wafers (a disk somewhat similar to a large CD/DVD.  Each wafer is processed and a very very detailed picture is etched onto the wafer.  This picture is repeated many times in a rectangular grid.  Each picture (die) represents all the transistors of a circuit.  Each die cannot be perfect, there is a yield.  The wafer is cut into individual pieces tested, packaged, and tested some more.  The ones that pass all tests are used and the rejects are thrown out.  The percentage of acceptable die is called the yield.  With a new product the yield can often be very low, thus rejecting most and keeping only a few (Noah).  The next refinement things are improved and the yield is increased.  When God brought the Israeli's out of Egypt, he kept 2 of 12.  Have people improved?

Monday, January 14, 2013

From Fear to Fearless Thanks to God


Go and stand at the Gates of Jerusalim

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I do not recall how this was started.  But there is no body text.  Any thoughts?

Forgiving Yes, Forgetting and Condoning No

I say this because in my case there is much judgement that people truly have an inverted reality as their understanding.  This is because of secrecy, as lies can never be corrected if never confronted.  I have Parkinson's and my disability insurance dictates that if I earn, I must give back to them, up to the amount they pay me.  My case was based on fraud.  By the Constitution the divorce is invalid, due to fraud upon the court.  But I have no interest in fighting that. They had a garnishment order from the start but refuse to execute it.  Instead they garnished my private insurance but did not tap the SS disability.  At the point I was notified of garnishment I stopped payments to her.  I did not know about the half job they did.  My only theory on that is that fraud with federal money draws the attention of the DoJ.  But regardless I told the judge that I could not participate as it would make me a participant in a fraud and hence guilty of parsimony to a felony.  They have prevented me from seeing my daughter for over a year.  I can forgive most anything.  But I do not know how many times I can keep this up.  But I will not back down, as the process that got us here is a shameful disgrace to our founding fathers. The secret societies have become out of control.  Their secrecy allows them to get large numbers of people to cooperate to deny fellow Americans liberties. Essentially making the constitution moot.  When I was younger, I wondered how Hitler was able to get his entire country to go along with him.  He started with the Stasi, and ended with the SS.  If you look at our structure today the secret society is pervasive in all faces of our government, church, and society.  Our Stasi is the Social Justice and Church groups, and our SS are the CIA/NSA and JTTF components.  The control channels are the secret society top echelon. Jesus speaks of in the parable of the mustard seed, with the government and church structures being overgrown beyond their usefulness, and the black birds perched in them as the evil control that works through secrecy. The problem is that at least one component practices idolatry.  The Masons open every meeting wit a prayer to ANY god.  The definition of idolatry.  Unfortunately most do not realize it.  Most do not know the truth behind many things as only the select few attain degree 33.  I have witnessed these things at work.  God has shown me this for a reason.  I believe he is very upset with us and if we do not straighten up, love our fellow man (to not denies Christ).  There are many places in the bible where he speaks of closing eyes to the truth and the grand delusion.  I feel like my life is a microcosm.  God said turn the other cheek, and give freely.  But he also says to seek justice for your fellow man.  And the hidden plutocracy cannot be allowed to devour our country and way of life.  Wake Up America.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Freemasonry is idolatry

There is only one God, the true God, known to us through the Bible.
 The secret societies in this country, are out of control.  They have destroyed our economy by the freed of the hidden plutocracy.  The Freemasons feel they are for good.  But they are fools, as the bible says that we must not bow down or serve any other God.  The Freemasons open every meeting with a prayer to ANY god, as they permit any higher power to be used.  Satan duped the lot of  them.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

If You Never Judge, Can You Sin

Yes, but the opportunities are fewer. If you never Judge another think how many sins go away.  Almost all our negative attitudes, feelings, behaviors, fears, require a judgement on our part in order commit the other sin.  For example gossiping is the communication of judgements, providing false witness requires the person to have judged the situation worthy of such a lie.

Judging seems to fit into a category of what I will call the anti Love behaviors.  These actions if present in your life seem to indicate that you are not where you need to be with Christ.  Everyone sins, that is understood.  But the goal seems not to be understood.  If you do not have a goal properly ingrained you will fail to make progress at some point and flounder.

Like Fear, Judgement is another highly productive area to work on.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wake Up America, We're A Hypocrisy Plutocracy

Our Country Is On The Brink Of Destruction.  Physical cliff does not describe it.  It is a Physical Canyon.

Our leaders have allowed the system to run into the ground due to the hidden control network that truly runs our country.  Our country is not a democracy or a republic, but a Hypocrisy Plutocracy

We are hypnotized by the media as they optimize their content to keep us glues to the TV.  But this also coincides with a bias that makes us fear and feel we are no of a victim than we are. 

The Lord wants us to boldly do things in his name. Secrecy is a tool of Satan. I know the Masons think they are doing good. But until you achieve 33 degree, you are not privy to the core. Based on what God has put in front of me I know that the secret society structure in this country has as the interpretation of the parable of the mustard seed that grows into a tree outgrew it's useful size. With corruption and parasites represented by the black birds infiltrating the structure using its size and power to do evil at all levels. This includes false teachings in the church, and misuse of government resources all on a grand scale.

 Christ said love your fellow man, as he loved us. But far too many think their role is to judge, control, condemn, motivate by fear. Social Justice is based on a group feeling they have the right to use group mass to harasses others to try and control others behavior. That is so far from love it is mind numbing to wonder where these people are coming from. You never know when Christ will return. 
Are you ready? 
  • Do you fear anyone?  If so your not because you do not love them.
  • Do you feel certain people are doing things wrong, and you talk with others about it but not directly to them?  Then you don't love them.
  • Do you feel it is appropriate to protest outside a abortion center?  If so why do you place so much emphasis on a relatively rare sin.  There are estimates of 1 million abortions a year in the US, with a population of over 300 million.  Given nobody is without sin, assume an average person sins only 1 time per day, so there are over 100 billion sins per year.  So there are conservatively 100,000 other sins per every abortion.  Given that any child that dies before the age of accountability goes  to heaven, do you think it is God's will that you harass a young mother in order to "save" the baby?  First you do not know her circumstances, therefore you judge.   Would it not be better to get the young mother into the church.  
  • Do you do anything in the name of God out of fear?  If so it is not for God, but from the evil that permeates the church.  Black birds.
  • Who are the black birds, among the Bushs, young and old.
  • God has revealed he is angry with our leaders.
  • There is significant evidence that the terrorism is a planned activity by the hidden plutocracy.
  • Our only chance is to lead our leaders.
  • But God said he would save the house of Judah by his hand.  
  • But we must repent and follow Christ. LOVE thy neighbor.

Monday, January 7, 2013

God's Warning To Jerusalem

Jeremiah 3
1 "Flee for safety, people of Benjamin!
Flee from Jerusalem!
Sound the trumpet in Tekoa!
Raise the signal over Beth Hakkerem!
For disaster looms out of the north,
even terrible destruction.
2 I will destroy the Daughter of Zion,
so beautiful and delicate.
3 Shepherds with their flocks will come against her;
they will pitch their tents around her,
each tending his own portion.”
4 “Prepare for battle against her!
Arise, let us attack at noon!
But, alas, the daylight is fading,
and the shadows of evening grow long.
5 So arise, let us attack at night
and destroy her fortresses!”
6 This is what the Lord Almighty says:
“Cut down the trees
and build siege ramps against Jerusalem.
This city must be punished;
it is filled with oppression.
7 As a well pours out its water,
so she pours out her wickedness.
Violence and destruction resound in her;
her sickness and wounds are ever before me.
8 Take warning, O Jerusalem,
or I will turn away from you
and make your land desolate
so no one can live in it.”
9 This is what the Lord Almighty says:
“Let them glean the remnant of Israel
as thoroughly as a vine;
pass your hand over the branches again,
like one gathering grapes.”
10 To whom can I speak and give warning?
Who will listen to me?
Their ears are closeda
so they cannot hear.
The word of the Lord is offensive to them;
they find no pleasure in it.
11 But I am full of the wrath of the Lord,
and I cannot hold it in.
“Pour it out on the children in the street
and on the young men gathered together;
both husband and wife will be caught in it,
and the old, those weighed down with years.
12 Their houses will be turned over to others,
together with their fields and their wives,
when I stretch out my hand
against those who live in the land,”
declares the Lord.
13 “From the least to the greatest,
all are greedy for gain;
prophets and priests alike,
all practice deceit.
14 They dress the wound of my people
as though it were not serious.
‘Peace, peace,’ they say,
when there is no peace.
15 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct?
No, they have no shame at all;
they do not even know how to blush.
So they will fall among the fallen;
they will be brought down when I punish them,”
says the Lord.
16 This is what the Lord says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
17 I appointed watchmen over you and said,
‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’
But you said, ‘We will not listen.’
18 Therefore hear, O nations;
observe, O witnesses,
what will happen to them.
19 Hear, O earth:
I am bringing disaster on this people,
the fruit of their schemes,
because they have not listened to my words
and have rejected my law.
20 What do I care about incense from Sheba
or sweet calamus from a distant land?
Your burnt offerings are not acceptable;
your sacrifices do not please me.”
21 Therefore this is what the Lord says:
“I will put obstacles before this people.
Fathers and sons alike will stumble over them;
neighbors and friends will perish.”
22 This is what the Lord says:
“Look, an army is coming
from the land of the north;
a great nation is being stirred up
from the ends of the earth.
23 They are armed with bow and spear;
they are cruel and show no mercy.
They sound like the roaring sea
as they ride on their horses;
they come like men in battle formation
to attack you, O Daughter of Zion.”
24 We have heard reports about them,
and our hands hang limp.
Anguish has gripped us,
pain like that of a woman in labor.
25 Do not go out to the fields
or walk on the roads,
for the enemy has a sword,
and there is terror on every side.
26 O my people, put on sackcloth
and roll in ashes;
mourn with bitter wailing
as for an only son,
for suddenly the destroyer
will come upon us.
27 “I have made you a tester of metals
and my people the ore,
that you may observe
and test their ways.
28 They are all hardened rebels,
going about to slander.
They are bronze and iron;
they all act corruptly.
29 The bellows blow fiercely
to burn away the lead with fire,
but the refining goes on in vain;
the wicked are not purged out.
30 They are called rejected silver,
because the Lord has rejected them.”

To Fear Is To SIn, Under Christ's Covenent

I had fallen away from church because of what I viewed as rampant hypocrisy, which after coming back recently I have gained a new perspective.  I feel very few even understand Christ's covenant with us, that being love your fellow man.  I found this to be so in part people do not understand what love is.  The essence of love is giving, without any expectation of anything in return, unconditional.

We know that the new covenant is to love one another, Galatians 5:14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” 

We also know from 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

Fear actually is two sins. First it is based on judging, because to fear you have judged them dangerous.  Perhaps more fundamentally.this is a direct violation  of Christ''s Covenant with us.  If you fear a person, you are not loving your fellow man, because to love them you would not have fear of them.

To Fear Another Is To Sin 
because it is not loving
Under Grace.

So by extension,
To Cause Fear In Someone About Another Is A Sin.
As you are not showing love for that someone, but actually pushing them away from salvation.

The Greed of the Hypocrisy Plutocracy

We have been destroyed by secrecy. This describes many details of what Bush Sr started and Bush Jr helped cover up. Death of a democracy by the greed of the hidden plutocracy, that are the secret societies. The Hypocrisy Plutocracy.  Don't take this as truth but lear for yourself.  But Fear all who operate in Secrecy.

Secrecy is only a hiding place for evil. nothing for good is done on the dark.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Democracy or Hypocrisy Plutocracy

I have come to realize something recently.  I have actually known for some time but I did not trust my intuition.  It seems undeniable now.  My theory of everything is that we do not live in a Democracy.  We live in a Hypocrisy Plutocracy.  I say Hypocrisy because we are run by those that work in secrecy.   Recently I  came across an unjust court proceeding and alot of harassment.  I have been purposely trying to antagonize them to get them out into the light, but they will not show their face but continue to deny due process.  They make a mockery of the constitution, hence the hypocrisy.  The plutocracy is because it is the upper echelon of our wealthiest in society who belong to what I will call the money men.  These people make the deals that drive the economy.   A plutocracy is rule by the super rich.  Which is exactly what is truly occurring in this country, through a network of secret society organizations. Skull and Bones [Wikipedia] s a Yale student organization, that Bush Jr admitted he was in, other examples include the Freemasons [Wikipedia], Eastern Star. Rosicrucians [Wikipedia], Ordo Templis Orientis [Wikipedia], Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn [Wikipedia], The Knights Templar [Wikipedia], The Illuminati [Wikipedia], The Bilderberg Group [Wikipedia], Opus Dei [Wikipedia].

Secret societies would be fine if they played cards, did charity work, or other useful functions, making business deals, etc.  But instead it has become the true governing structure within our country, infiltrating all levels and forms of government and church organizations, including our courts.  Our entire system of government is a facade.

They are everywhere, local police, FBI, CIA, NSA, Congress,... I first had been exposed to these things when I was an employee at NSA.  I was told that during the Carter administration did not get to know of many things we were involved with. This is a lack of oversight and a failure in the chain of command as NSA was under the DoD, and the President is the Commander and Chief of the DoD. 

I know of another incident that on its own was bad but given the sequence of things I have witnessed it appears that this may not have come from the President Clinton.  But we the NSA did participate in a January 5th 1996 event that appears to be the tipping point, turning what appeared to be peace into an escalation of terror.  Additionally it seems to have been calibrated to demand retaliation.  This my well be the root cause of the fear-hate-terror cycle that lead to 9/11 and beyond.  Possibly evidence of a pattern of manipulation and war generation by the powers that be.  This is evil and cannot be tolerated.

So the question becomes how to change people.  Ephesians 5:12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.  Somehow people need to be shown the harm.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Some Observations on What Love Is Not

We know we must love our neighbor. So the first question is who is "thy neighbor."  I have made the assertion that that means all humans, as we are globally connected through technology and our witness is global.  I believe it to mean anyone you interact with.  I hedge in that I do not want to espouse falsehoods, as well as I do not wish to take credit fir God's inspiration.  But I assume any s,all error will be adjusted later, if not what intended.

The next question is how do we love.  What is the definition of love.   Since most seem to get this wrong I am spending the effort to explain the nuisances of Love in great detail. Sometimes in math it is easier to show counter examples, than to show why or how to do something. So here are a list of things that are not love thy neighbor. en it is in your interest to repent and stop any of these behaviors if you are inclined to such behavior.  It is not clear if we as a  people are not aware or we are burying our heads in the sand.   I see these things pervasively throughout our society, culture, and in the church.  If you are not aware of these ideas previously, now you are.  And if you were and ignored th

What Love Is NOT
  • Judging, only God knows a man's heart.  1 Samuel 16:7 ...  for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.  So we should never presume to know the heart of a fellow human.
    • Controlling, turns people off, and is based on judging, and is actually the root of several other items below.  Trying to control could be supported as a sin through scripture.  But is sufficient to recognize that it is a result of judging.
    • Gossiping behind their back, judging.
    • Condemning, j udging
    • Killing, this stands on its own but other than self defense it is based on Judging.
    • Harassing, motivation is based on judging, who are you to decide someones heart. This is pervasive among those who protest abortion clinics.
    • Ignoring, disrespect of any kind
    • Keeping Secrets, evil works in darkness, depends on motive
    • Chastising, who are you to judge
    • Gang justice, or social activists like the Occupy are judging
  • Promoting Fear, forces out love and Christ.
    • Using Fear to motivate, This is a great sin, as you are working to force love from their heart by the use of fear to motivate. It may seem well intentioned, but love cannot coexist with fear. So by putting fear in you force love out. It is the equivalent of stepping on their fingers as they try and pull themselves into the life boat. 
    • Love is not browbeating young people into baptism by spouting fear of eternal damnation as a stick to scare them.  The appropriate use of psychology is to learn from our behavior how to motivate.  I learned from a wise Psychologist Dr Timothy Gibian that the proper ratio of carrot to stick for a child is 8 to 1.  So as a parent you should give 8 rewards fir every punishment. I believe this should hold in the attempt to encourage those new to the church to convert.   Fear based control is fleeting,  Love based connections are forever.   
  • Jealous, this is the result of fear or envy in the relationship
  • Conditional
  • Selfish
  • Angry
  • Vindictive
  • Fearful, If you fear you do not love them
  • Lust, this is pleasure of the flesh.
For those of you who are parents imagine how you would want others to treat your child and yourself, and simply do that.   Adding your child adds the spirit if gentleness that true love requires.

Keep in mind that Agape love requires a selfless sense of giving with nothing expected in return.  Love without giving is what I called as a child "Like."  But is referred to in the bible as "Phileo" love.
The components of Phileo Love are: Commitment, Communication.
The components of Agape Love are: Commitment, Communication, Giving.
The components of Marital Love are: Commitment, Communication, Giving, Passion(Eros).
The components of Typical Love are: Commitment, Communication, Passion.
The components of Love Thy Neighbor: Communication,  Giving,

is what seems to be the key concept in true love.  In reality we have complete control over our love life ass we generate it  by our actions.  Many have to understand that they cannot control anything outside themselves, except through giving.

This is more apparent as what the goal is has nothing to do with commitment or desiring a deep conversation and connection.  But what is  called for is a giving spirit. One that does not judge even when stacked.  That does not mean you accept anything.  But do not react out of anger.  It is the spirit of no ill will, that everything happens for a reason, Assume God is allowing you too be tested. and act accordingly.  Always assume God is there watching because he is.  Do not fear but feel comforted.

The Importance of Love Cannot Be Overstated

The  Importance of Love Cannot Be Overstated   Love God, Christ, and Your Neighbor.

As it is clearly the key throughout the bible.  But who is your neighbor? Anyone living among your people according to Leviticus 19:34.

Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

Matthew 19:19 ... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
 Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Mark 12:33 And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.

Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Luke 10:27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

Romans 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Galatians 5:14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
James 2:8 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well.

Love One Another

The Greek language uses two different words to describe and define love. The most commonly used Greek word translated "love" in the New Testament is "agape." This love is represented by God's love for us. It is a non-partial, sacrificial, i.e. giving.

John 13:34-35 "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another."

An example of Agape love is given by:
John 3:16
"For God so loved (agape) the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

In contrast, human love is usually conditional and based upon how other people behave toward us.  The Greek word "phileo" defines this: to love, to approve of, to like, to treat affectionately or kindly, to welcome, befriend.  So we define Phileo as our emotional love, infatuation, fleeting, based on mutually pleasing and is focused solely on what you are given, no concept of giving.  Agape love gives and sacrifices expecting nothing back in return. 

We defined 4 components of love as: Commitment, Connection, Giving, Passion.
Here we can see that the term Phileo is the total love Agape minus the giving.
So some types of love that can be defined are
True Marital Love - Commitment, Connection, Giving, Passion
Christian Brotherly Love - Commitment, Connection, Giving
Agape - Commitment, Connection, Giving 
Phileo  - Commitment, Connection
Common Marital - Commitment, Connection, Passion

God warns us about Passion alone as it weakens the total if practiced alone. And out of wedlock it is defined as fornication or adultery.

So the underlying theme of what God seems to be trying to get out of is is to make us pure in the way we treat each other.  This is similar to how water is distilled for purity.  The many house cleanings of the Israelis perhaps can be viewed as that.  It seems God is using ideas we often associates with Darwin, to purify his flock. The big question is when is he done? 

If you take today in the US we are clearly not pure as a whole.  But how many will he taken from here.  Based on what I see very few.  Our churches are filled like movie theaters.  Head count being more important than soul count.  The church teaches hypocrisy, uses fear to motivate, judges, and condemns. This is not what Christ intended. 

In the parable of the mustard seed it tells off a plant that over grows quickly like a weed.  Outgrowing it's intended purpose and refers to birds nesting on the tops.  But in Daniel it states these plants are not desirable for birds to nest.  So it has been suggested that the birds represent the infiltration of the church with false doctrine, as well as Gentiles seeking refuge with Israel.  I believe that the freemasons are a cult founded with the spirit of goodness, but due to secrecy, idolatry, and human nature has become a powerful tool for Satan.  God has shown me these things so vividly in my life in a way I cannot deny them.

But regardless of my persecution I know I must love each and every one of my enemies.  Even if they seek to destroy me.  I pondered for a long time, why me.  I think I understand.  I was about as wrapped up in worldly behavior as one could be.  God has shown his power in pulling me back.  He knows my heart and knows I do not hate.  But have made mistakes out of fear and lack of understanding.  Thank you God for Christ and the gift of Grace.  I perhaps have been his example to to the world.  Hopefully I will bring it home and complete the work God gave me to do.  Additionally I knew of events that actually initiated the ramp up of the fear-hate-terror cycle that lead to where we are today.  If I had spoken up then perhaps 9/11 would never have happened.  This may be my punishment for keeping quiet.

Friday, January 4, 2013

It Is Time

My View of this country has dramatically changed over the last few months. I would have done anything to support what is good for the US. However over the last few months I have come to learn our principles are window dressing. We are not brave, fearless, heroic, admirable,.. We are none of those things. We are fearful, cowards, who bully the weak, and are so afraid we hide in shadows.  I am now embarrassed by the actions of my country. We are the Axis of Evil, and we are such hypocrites that we look down on others and call them terrorists after we kill people in their countries. I am not saying anyone is innocent. But leaders need to lead not stir the pot. We have allowed secret organizations to run amuck without oversight, misuse taxpayer resources, and generally destroy our economy. 

But the most hideous thing is that it appears that I am being targeted by some faction of the DoD,  in conjunction with the Masons and the appearance of many other groups, because I know the time and place that we did such a wicked and ego driven that it appeared to be an intentional martyrdom aimed at inciting terror.  This was followed by bulldozing the targets family home. An  act that turned the peace that President Clinton and Prime Minister Rabin around to an escalation of the fear-hate-terror cycle that have us where we are today.  Perhaps we were Eddie Haskell-ed by our partner in crime, but that does not matter.  What does matter are the threats, death threats, and threats to loved ones, that I have been receiving.  The threat to loved ones was from ex Senator DeMint.  Good ridden sir, our country is far better off with you out of our government.  It is time to clean house.

To whomever is leading this.  I will never back down.  God put me here for a reason and has my back.  He has proven that many times.  I fear nothing especially you.  But I am beyond angry and am about to engage the lot of you.  This is my country and that of patriots that support the constitution.  I hereby declare war on the secret societies and their cowardly ways.  Straighten up or get out of my country.

To the people of the court system that so blatantly violated every constitutional protection granted.  I will give you one chance to correct things.  I do not want to rattle my ex, but I demand an arrangement that follows the law and that this case be made an example of.  Not for admonishment of those involved, but to serve as a learning exercise and provide some impetus for change. 

To our government leaders, get over your fear and do your job, lead.  God says to tend your flock.  Those who indulge while the working class suffer will be dealt with harshly by God himself.  Trickle down is a cover for feed the plutocracy of the secret society.  No More!  The Bible says each man shall do his own work.

As for terrorism we must make a bold gesture.  We must stand with Israel and declare an end to killing anyone in any country unprovoked.  Outside true self defense there is never an excuse for  killing another human. 

The media must be reigned in.  Our founding fathers could not have known the hypnotic effects of the TV., and how media biases destabilize the system.  Hence our $1.4 trillion in response to 3000 deaths.  You do the math.

The Lifeblood of Evil is Secrecy

A possible meaning of the parable of the mustard plant that grew into the tree was revealed to me.  It is a plant that was ever intended to grow that big, but has become unwieldy and out of control.  Jesus speaks of birds nesting in what is an overgrown undesirable tree for birds.  The birds have been interpreted to represent Gentiles seeking refuge with Israel, and the infiltration of false prophets and teachings in the church.  This directly speaks to our fall away from love your fellow man, to supporting the Israeli aggression against Palestine, per Jimmy Carter, it is genocide.  The separation of church and state must be maintained in both directions.  We are saved by Grace and to try and justify ourselves under the law denies Christ.

My life has been a metaphor for our countries ordeals of late.  This is God's way of giving insight into our countries issues.  This coupled with some specific knowledge paints a strong image of our issues.
I have witnessed many things.  Beginning with the participation of the NSA in what I would refer to as the tipping point in the return to fear-hate-terror in the mid 1990's.  The event seemingly all by itself halted the Oslo accords and peace that Rabin and Clinton had worked so hard on, and created an intentional martyr begging for the retaliation from the Palestinians. And they received it, the response was several bombings over the next few months that killed 60 and injured 300 Israelis.  The elections in Israel went toward some hardline groups that appear to have had a hate agenda.  However the Bible also states that we (non Jewish) are under a new covenant.  And that if we try to justify ourselves under the law, we deny Christ.

Further I have had my life taken over in the last two years by secretive groups that seem to have an  infinite budget.  I think of them as moral police.  They destroyed my divorce because the assumed and denied due process and have continued to isolate and harass. Why?  I have gone through a sequence of theories.  But the bottom line is I feel that the true root cause is I am a pawn in a spiritual battle.  My knowledge of some sensitive items that appear to indicate we are responsible for the fear-hate-terror cycle escalation that lead to 9/11.  Seems like an episode of Leave It To Beaver, an old TV show, where the main character is a sweet, gullible, and mostly innocent kid named Beaver would go along with the older trouble maker in the neighborhood Eddie Haskell.  Eddie was not a truly bad kid.  He just have full information and rarely thought through his actions.  But quickly realized when something went wrong and tried to cover his tracks. Why?

I have witnessed enough harassment, and death threats, surveillance by people representing as DoD contractors, JTTF components, Masons,  other secret society types and Church groups, to realize that the left hand does not know what the right is up to.  It is so surreal I cannot hardly believe it.  But when you take into account the fact that we live in a gotcha, finger pointing society, driven by fear, and demanding someone else be responsible, then it makes perfect sense.  The people that made the decision to perform the deed that seems to be the tipping point leading to 9/11, were likely scared. I doubt a coverup this involved could be known in facts to many.  I know the people I worked with there would do  the right thing.  But when I called the NSA switchboard they refused to connect me to anyone.  I tried to report what I know to the FBI but I was told it was not classified, or important so eave us alone, effectively.  Every time I called back I was routed to this guy.  I called another state field office and was routed back to him. 

Perhaps they looked at me but had nothing, then my divorce comes along, my ex who was afraid of losing due to her behavior, makes up a magnificent tale, and sells it hook, line, and sinker.  The profiler gets a bit overzealous applying patterns that do not fit.  This is fed into the group of attorneys and therapists who buy into it.   But little do all these people realize that their own actions alter the system.  My sensitivity to people readily picks up on the odd behavior.  I am told just to play along by the therapist I am assigned.  But I feel disingenuous.  When I acknowledge I am chastised for thinking paranoid thoughts. But when I do not I was accused by my daughters therapist of playing games, trying to give them what they want.  Which is true, I was desperately trying to do the right thing.  But the actions of my attorney and therapist constituted gas lighting whether intentional or not.
After the divorce it continued.

In my scenario, the "Beaver" is the court system, and the government agencies.  So the real question is who is Eddie Haskell.  The answer to this was revealed to me recently.  It is the secret societies, secret church organizations, secret government organizations leaders who thwart the chain of command.  These include the leaders of NSA/CIA, DoD, JTTF components from  EPA, HHS,..., Masons, Eastern Star, Daughters of Zion, ... many more.  A potential issue is no one group outside the NSA/CIA has full information, especially the lesser experienced JTTF members.  This is evidenced in the scathing report from the Senate 2 year investigation on the anti-terrorism efforts of those groups dated October 3rd 2012, and found no tangible benefit toward anti-terrorism. 
These groups wield great power.  But Why? They exist for evil.  They may not be aware but it is clear.  That gives me concern that God has employed the grand delusion of 2 Thessalonians 2.  But my knowledge of the Bible is not as deep as I would like, so I hesitate to have complete confidence in my thinking.  I need to work on meditation, or getting in the zone more freely.  i.e. shutting off conscious thought.  Do I really need to?  The purpose is to open the mind, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through you.