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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Freemason Facts, National Geographiic Magazie

... Masons stress that their organization is not a religion, that is it has no unique theology and does not represent a path for believers to salvation or other divine rewards.
Even so, to be accepted into Freemasonry, initiates must believe in a god—any god. Christians may be in the majority, but Jews, Muslims, and others are well represented in Masonic circles. At lodge meetings religious discussion is traditionally taboo, Kinney and Tabbert said.
But some religious leaders believe that Masonic rituals and beliefs—with its temples, altars, and oaths—do constitute an opposing faith. And the Masonic refusal to rank one religion above the others hasn't always been popular.
A 1983 Catholic declaration approved by Pope John Paul II, for example, said that "Catholics enrolled in Masonic associations are involved in serious sin and may not approach Holy Communion."

Prominent Freemasons like Ben Franklin and George Washington played essential roles in the American Revolution. And among the ranks of Freemasons are 9 signers of the Declaration of Independence and 13 signers of the Constitution.
The above text is excerpts from National Geographic

There are two significant points to be taken from the above interview. One is that they acknowledge they require belief in a god, ANY god, and refuse to prioritize any religion hierarchy. This alone constitutes idolatry. Exodus 20:3 “You shall have no other gods before me."
The second is their acknowledgment that the Pope declared they cannot take communion.

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