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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Proposal Epic Grassroots Governnent Reform

We The People Proposal For Epic Grassroots Government Reconfiguration
I have had a sequence of sequence of experiences cannot be random, that made it clear that God is revealing himself to us.  The set of experiences reveal that our core issue in this country is fear.  We do not love our neighbors, we fear them as evident in our broad overreaction to many things including 9/11. Fear based responses are emotional and tend to overshoot the mark. This behavior has created a fiscal crisis in our country.  Fear can be seen in all forms of our existence.  We are being given a wake up call. The $2000 #My$2k represents to me a an example of short term thinking that is eroding our children's future.  We must respond or we will likely suffer dramatically. More importantly our children will suffer.

If you consider our government as a feedback control system, with the output of the government being seen and reported by the media to the voter, whose output drives elections, then it can readily be shown that since the human mind has memory any bias in the media will cause the system to become unstable.  
Whitehouse Spreadshet Showing Debt Post 9/11 due to Epic OverreactionThis is exactly what we have today with our reaction to 9/11.

On 9/11/2001 nearly 3000 died in our countries most devastating attack on our soil.  Our response has been so overwhelmingly overblown that it has created our true physical cliff, the one with over $7 trillion in additional debt.  Congressional research reports show that $1.4 trillion was spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This equates to an expense of $467 million per life lost on 9/11. An epic over reaction.  Why?  

We The People Proposal For Epic Grassroots Government Reconfiguration From Terrorism To Infrastructure
The answer is simple we allowing the media to use fear to control our viewing. The term terrorist attack was branded instantly on the morning of 9/11/2001.  Notice how up in arms the media was when Obama did not use the 'terror' terms to describe the attack in Benghazi. By stoking the fear factor we have become increasingly biased, and jaded. As is evident in the eyes of our children.  Their apathy is our fault.   Wake up America. The fear driven government operation and society that permeates our existence via the media.  We can stop this vicious cycle, if we act now.  So the question is how.  

Our dedicated leaders are challenged with budget and policy issues due to fiscal shortfalls. Terror and fear has driven policy for over 10 years. Grassroots efforts are proving to be successful tools for change in the US.  The inefficiencies that exist are likely scattered throughout.  But the human instinct to hold onto power dictates that if we truly want change we must proceed from the bottom up.

Allow the government's talented employees to lead a grassroots restoration of the it's structure and operations, from top to bottom. This would enable the experts to evaluate how they can best support our country's needs, proposing new structures and direction that truly serve the interest of the American People. Input would be solicited from every employee, and a reform commission composed of elected officials, government employees, and citizens, with equal authority and fair representation for all interest groups, chosen by lottery. The commission would be given complete budget details.  

It is time not worry about how we got here but put our best collaborative efforst into saving our way of life.  Our children deserve the same chance at the American Dream as we have indulged in.  The indulgence must stop, or our children will suffer the consequences.

A list of changes that seem worth considering are:
Modify FTC anti-trust laws to address any monopoly of ownership, not just corporate.  This would include religion, political, ethnicity, gender, … So no group would receive unfair advantage in any service.  Also apply those laws to government services.
Full transparency on budget.
Our founding fathers could not have foreseen the power the media has in our society, as everything we see, hear, and read is from the corporately controlled media, that uses ratings to drive programming.  There needs to be special consideration given to truth in media, given the power  of mistakes and biases. 
A return to constitutional law.

We The People Proposal For Epic Grassroots Government Reconfiguration
I have had a sequence of sequence of experiences cannot be random, that made it clear that God is revealing himself to us.  The set of experiences reveal that our core issue in this country is fear.  We do not love our neighbors, we fear them as evident in our broad overreaction to many things including 9/11. Fear based responses are emotional and tend to overshoot the mark. This behavior has created a fiscal crisis in our country.  Fear can be seen in all forms of our existence.  We are being given a wake up call. The $2000 #My$2k represents to me a an example of short term thinking that is eroding our children's future.  We must respond or we will likely suffer dramatically. More importantly our children will suffer.

If you consider our government as a feedback control system, with the output of the government being seen and reported by the media to the voter, whose output drives elections, then it can readily be shown that since the human mind has memory any bias in the media will cause the system to become unstable.  
Whitehouse Spreadshet Showing Debt Post 9/11 due to Epic OverreactionThis is exactly what we have today with our reaction to 9/11.

On 9/11/2001 nearly 3000 died in our countries most devastating attack on our soil.  Our response has been so overwhelmingly overblown that it has created our true physical cliff, the one with over $7 trillion in additional debt.  Congressional research reports show that $1.4 trillion was spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This equates to an expense of $467 million per life lost on 9/11. An epic over reaction.  Why?  

We The People Proposal For Epic Grassroots Government Reconfiguration From Terrorism To Infrastructure
The answer is simple we allowing the media to use fear to control our viewing. The term terrorist attack was branded instantly on the morning of 9/11/2001.  Notice how up in arms the media was when Obama did not use the 'terror' terms to describe the attack in Benghazi. By stoking the fear factor we have become increasingly biased, and jaded. As is evident in the eyes of our children.  Their apathy is our fault.   Wake up America. The fear driven government operation and society that permeates our existence via the media.  We can stop this vicious cycle, if we act now.  So the question is how.  

Our dedicated leaders are challenged with budget and policy issues due to fiscal shortfalls. Terror and fear has driven policy for over 10 years. Grassroots efforts are proving to be successful tools for change in the US.  The inefficiencies that exist are likely scattered throughout.  But the human instinct to hold onto power dictates that if we truly want change we must proceed from the bottom up.

Allow the government's talented employees to lead a grassroots restoration of the it's structure and operations, from top to bottom. This would enable the experts to evaluate how they can best support our country's needs, proposing new structures and direction that truly serve the interest of the American People. Input would be solicited from every employee, and a reform commission composed of elected officials, government employees, and citizens, with equal authority and fair representation for all interest groups, chosen by lottery. The commission would be given complete budget details.  

It is time not worry about how we got here but put our best collaborative efforst into saving our way of life.  Our children deserve the same chance at the American Dream as we have indulged in.  The indulgence must stop, or our children will suffer the consequences.

A list of changes that seem worth considering are:
Modify FTC anti-trust laws to address any monopoly of ownership, not just corporate.  This would include religion, political, ethnicity, gender, … So no group would receive unfair advantage in any service.  Also apply those laws to government services.
Full transparency on budget.
Our founding fathers could not have foreseen the power the media has in our society, as everything we see, hear, and read is from the corporately controlled media, that uses ratings to drive programming.  There needs to be special consideration given to truth in media, given the power  of mistakes and biases. 
A return to constitutional law.

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